fmi*igf Journal Spring 2014, Vol 25 No. 2 - page 1

A non-profit organization, fmi
igf has
opened 14 Chapters across Canada in the
past 50 years.
The fmi
igf journal is Canada’s leading
magazine for public sector professionals
involved in the field of public sector
financial management.
Its major articles, columns and news cover
a broad range of government accounting,
auditing, and financial management topics
of concern to professionals.
igf journal readers hold influential
positions in public accounting, and have
responsibilities in a variety of areas:
financial management, information
systems, administration and human
resource management to name a few.
Its authors are individuals who hold senior
or experienced positions within
government and the private sector. These
individuals share their experience and
expertise in areas of concern to
professional public sector accountants and
managers with financial responsibilities.
Virtually any topic of interest to the
financially-oriented public sector executive
may be found in the fmi
igf journal.
The editorial team welcome timely and
relevant articles from you. Feature articles
are generally 2,000 to 4,000 words. Other
articles or input to a regular column are
normally shorter (500 to 2,500 words).
Letters to the editor are also welcome.
Please address your correspondence to
the Managing Editor:
igf journal
Financial Management Institute
200 Elgin Street, Suite 1107
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1L5
president’s message
Welcome to the first non-print version of fmi
Journal. It has been a quite a winter and I am very
pleased to report that we moving in the direction
outlined in our Strategic Plan. Our first priority was
to review FMI’s organizational governance. Clear
roles and responsibilities and lines of decision-making
are critical to achieving accountability across the
organization. Designing the fmi
igf Board Governance
Model will be one of the key steps towards meeting the
needs of our members and event participants from coast
to coast in an environment that seems to be consistently
With help from the Institute on Governance,
we have arrived at 11 proposed changes that will lead to a more efficient and
effective organization, with a solid base of support from the National Office. The
recommendation to move toward an Executive Director or CEO leading and
managing FMI, came with the huge loss of our dedicated Managing Director since
2006, Mr. Don Singer. We already miss Don’s passion for FMI and greatly appreciate
his many contributions, including the introduction of our fmi
igf Webinar series.
The process for finding an Executive Director/CEO was initiated under the
leadership of Rob Phillips (our former Special Director of Strategic Planning and
Performance.) Unfortunately, Rob has had to step down from the FMI National
Board, but on a bright note he has accepted a 2-year assignment with Deloitte in
Australia. Good on ya mate!!! We wish you and Tara well. Thank you for your
contributions to FMI, Rob! See ya in a couple years after your walkabout.
As the Chapters are busy delivering their events, we are gearing up for our Public
Sector Management Workshop in Charlottetown. The team has prepared a great
programme with the theme,
“Strategic Relationships - Connections, Cooperation and
Strategic relationships are important at every decision point in the
public sector and you are guaranteed to learn those best practices at this learning
We are also experiencing a new birth at FMI with the creation of the Aspiring
Leaders Network (ALN.) The creation and inclusion of the younger demographic is
another strategic priority to ensure our relevance. The ALN is demonstrating a level
of energy and initiative that will surely bring positive change to FMI. Read about
the ALN in this issue. In the new year, we will be supporting the creation of similar
young leaders’ networks within FMI Chapters.
If I had to summarize the year to date, it would be a year of positive change. In
closing, I would like to end with a few quotes.
“My crew and I will stop working when
we are known as the best ship on the seas”
(from the Captain of the cruise ship I was on.)
And of course, I am unable to conclude without a plea for new volunteers for FMI.
“Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree
to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You only need a
heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.”
(from Martin Luther King Jr.) Visit FMI’s
website at
... it could open doors for you. Someone has to get
things done. Why not you?.. and why not now?
Marcel Boulianne
Marcel Boulianne
igf President 2013-2014
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