fmi*igf Journal Spring 2014, Vol 25 No. 2 - page 49

As National Honorary Chair, I am pleased to welcome you to FMI’s Public Sector Management
Workshop for 2014.
This year’s theme, Strategic Relationships: Connections - Cooperation - Collaboration, speaks
to a key factor in our success as financial managers in today’s public service. More and more,
doing our jobs effectively means going beyond the numbers. To achieve results, we need to build
and maintain strategic relationships with our colleagues, partners and clients. In other words,
we need to understand the business as well as the balance sheet.
FMI has arranged a thought-provoking programme for us over the next two days. Through
the various speakers, panels and workshops, we’ll explore how effective relationships increase
our capacity to support programs and contribute to positive outcomes. In addition to the new
ideas and insights to be gained from the formal programme, the workshop will also provide
plenty of opportunities to connect, cooperate and collaborate with your peers from across the
public sector.
With that, I’d like to wish you an enjoyable and interesting workshop.
David Enns, Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Deputy Minister,
Corporate Management Sector, Industry Canada
National Honorary Chair, PSMW 2014
Message from the National Honorary Chair
Greetings From Premier Ghiz
On behalf of the Province of Prince Edward Island, I am pleased to extend a warm invitation
to attendees of the Financial Management Institute of Canada’s PSMW 2014 Charlottetown as
you plan to travel to beautiful Prince Edward Island from May 25 - 27th.
Your association has been instrumental over the past fifty years in delivering programs
involving learning events, seminars and workshops for members and non-members. By
providing these educational incentives you have afforded your members the opportunity to
network with others in your sector and share innovations, challenges and issues within the
financial community.
I understand your conference theme is, “Strategic Relationships - Connection - Cooperation
- Collaboration” and it is indeed a fitting choice as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the
historic Charlottetown Conference, a meeting that led to the birthplace of our nation. Our belief
back in 1864 was that there is strength in numbers and each day your members are practicing
this same mantra, as depicted in your meeting slogan. Many special events are planned over
the span of 2014 and we are pleased that your group will be here to participate in some of the
festivities. May your stay in our Province be one of learning and enjoyment. Thank you for
choosing Prince Edward Island as your workshop destination.
Hon. Robert Ghiz
Premier of Prince Edward Island
Message from the Premier of Prince Edward Island
PSMW 2014 Charlottetown
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